Hi, just wondered if anyone else has had trouble with getting their GPs to make a referral for them for an official diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome? They made a referral for my 6 year old son which is brilliant! But they don't take me seriously and because I go in there with my 3 children, they say 'I have a normal life' and I don't need one and that I should see a psychologist as it comes under mental health (although AS is not a mental illness so I understand!). I'm not very good at explaining things and back down quickly then go away angry at them and myself. I find people hard and frankly a little scary, although I can make friends, I can't keep up the initial enthusiasm and I can lose them quickly which is bewildering because no-one tells me what I do wrong! I've decided to back off now and just concentrate on my family and perhaps make some Aspie friends. My work history is mostly disastrous, not because of the work (I am a work-horse!) but because of some of the people, so I want a diagnosis so I can use the Prospects service for Aspies for when I go back to work, which I will definitely need and perhaps to learn some social tricks and get a little confidence back. I'm from Kent, UK and can anyone recommend anyone that can give a private diagnosis? I have a couple of lists of places but I wonder if anyone has had a good experience privately?
Thanks x