alex wrote:
Wow, that's pretty cool. How did you end up meeting her? Also, do you think she'd be willling to do an interview with you for the site?
When I got diagnosed with autism, my mother and I were referred to the TEACCH center in Asheville. The TEACCH center back then was in a totally different place, and Catherine was one of the first people I met at the TEACCH center. I can tell you that I bonded with her right away, and I guess I was just this really big inspiration to her. I still have the signed copy of the book she gave me because I was the inspiration for her book.
I'd actually be quite willing to be interviewed for the site. Just to get my name out just a bit.
I also love to sing, so that might be a direction I might go, but I'm not sure just yet. I like The Apprentice, and American Idol, although I'd be better off if I actually showed some real talent besides just singing. Everybody sings on Idol, and I think that I'd be better off if I showed some actual talent. I'd sing like everyone else for the first couple of shows, and then show my real hand (ie some actual talent).