Hello everyone,
My name is Emily and I've just now discovered this website. I'm almost 24 years old, but I've recently come to the conclusion that there may be a reason for why I have always been SO different from everyone around me - my parents and I think I may have Asperger syndrome. My dad and I both fit every single criterion for it, but until recently, neither of us had ever thought to be tested, as it wasn't really "known" to mainstream culture until recently. I've had "mental" issues since I was a child, but most doctors ascribed it to being ADHD and OCD, never bothering to test much further than that - or even formally test anything at all.
I was going to type my life story here, but I suppose it will suffice to say that I think I've finally stumbled on something that could provide some answers for why I am the way I am, as well as perhaps help me to finally be able to overcome or deal with some of the difficulties I've faced ever since I was a young child.
Once I find a reputable psychologist who accepts my insurance plan (not an easy thing in this city, unfortunately), I do plan on being formally tested for Asperger syndrome. I was diagnosed as having ADHD and OCD when I was younger, and while I do display traits of both, there are many things that don't quite fit with either of them. For example, the odd gait. When I was little, I had a very odd walk that my parents called my "dinosaur" walk, because I would walk with my arms held to my chest and my hands bent, with several fingers extended like dinosaur claws. I lost that walk as I got older, but I still have an odd gait - it's stiff and methodical/formal, and a few people have asked me if I was in ROTC or am in the military, due to my rigid/formal posture when I walk. I don't even realise I'm doing it, and I have to consciously force myself to walk like a "normal" person.
Anyways, I will cut this off before I begin rambling unnecessarily. I do hope that I can finally find some answers and help - and find people who are just as different as I am.
He kotahi tatou me nga waiata.