Hey, I just joined as well.
I am glad you asked this question, because I am 23 and have been suspected of having something like this as well. I was home-schooled, never made any friends and just have myself and family. My mom was young when she had me so she had no idea what to do or who to talk to. It is hard to find someone qualified in this specialty to give you the answers you are looking for. The information received from your question will be helpful to me and many others, I would guess. I am in Wyoming, so not too far away from knowing your situation of being in the middle of nowhere as far as a selection of doctors, or anything else for that matter. Good luck! Hope to see you around the forums!
Gallygun wrote:
Hi there! I just joined this forum because I have been suspected of having Aspergers as a child a lot of my life, but I never got a diagnosis. I was desperately lonely, looking back on my life thinking "Why can I never make friends? Why am I always the odd woman out? Why do I never get invited anywhere and why do people ignore and avoid me except for family? And why am I always the target of bullying, or now as an adult, of shunning?"
Then Aspergers popped into my head. So I did some research online about it, even read "The Complete Guide to Aspergers" by Tony Attwood (in about 4 days) and I really think this explains my serious issues with any sort of friendship existence in my life.
The problem is that I don't know who is competent in Colorado to diagnose a 20-something female who uses imitation as a coping mechanism. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I found one woman, but the assessment would cost $500.00 and she doesn't take any insurance.
I'm really glad I found this forum, though! It seems to have a ton of really relevant topics I couldn't find on depression/mental health forums (before having Aspergers occurred to me).
Nice to meet you all!