Shadowcat wrote:
There was a man at a Self Advocate Conference who is 35 years old and because he has a learning disability, he lives with his parents.
The problem? His parents are strict Southern Baptists and throw out any of his books and music they find offensive to their religious views just like as if he was still a teenager. How can We, an Advocacy Group, let the parents know he is an adult, and that they should give him more respect without alienating the parents?
You can't. They aren't going to change their religious convictions just because you don't agree with them, and the simple truth is, its their house, they can make whatever rules they want.
The only solution is for him to move out and have a space of his own. If he's buying books and music, I assume he's got a job of some sort, that would imply that he's somewhat functional. Is he capable of keeping up with rent and utility bills? Or finding a roommate who can?