Hello. I am Sp1lls33d, or spillseed, spill, spills, spillz, or any offensive name you can think as I've likely been called that too.
About me:
I popped out of my mom in 1984, just in time for the tail end of the crack cocaine epidemic here in the good old USA. In elementary school I usually did very good on my tests. I didn't turn in a lot of the assignments I did do because my desk was a mess that lost them. In second grade I once invited a bunch of the kids from my class to my birthday party, but no one showed up, so I never had another birthday party. I just went to school and then came home and played video games until I got a guitar and a computer which took priority over the Nintendo. I got tested for ADD on two different occasions, and it said that I didn't have ADD both times. In middle school I started trying to be more social so I started smoking cigarettes, skipping school and little stuff like that. I was always mischievous. I moved after that, and I started high school in a new school that was culturally different. I couldn't stand trying to meet new people in a new environment like that. I walked in the hallways with my head low, in a slouched over posture, avoiding eye contact with everyone. I started skipping school much more frequently, sometimes staying home and sometimes exploring around on foot. I went to a therapist, and she said I'm depressed and prescribed me Zoloft. My mom said it helped me some, but I still had a shutdown where I was upset. I haven't taken any medication since. I basically dropped out at 15, but technically got kicked out at 16 and then got a GED. My GED scores placed me in the top 98th percentile of high school graduates, so despite not really taking classes, I graduated with honors. I went to a community college for a little bit and did OK despite not really trying (which I think is what everyone does at community college). I went to a technical school and did remarkably well. Then I went to a University and was an honor student there as well for two semesters at which point I stopped going to all of my classes and instead I just stayed in my dorm room playing with computer or going to Detroit to play around in a recording studio. I've never held a job for more than 5 months, and I've never really had a girlfriend either.
Anyhow a friend of mine was playfully insulting me awhile back suggesting I had Asperger's syndrome. I never researched into it, but when I did I was astonished at it never being brought to my attention until now. I took that little online test and it said I'm about 95 percent to have it. I'm a little mad that it went unchecked, because it answers many things I've had troubles with.
So my questions are what should I do from here? Does it do any good to get a professional diagnosis? Is there anybody who is familiar with someone in southeast Michigan worth contacting?