Right, so a standard introduction title seemed a bit too hard to think of--random word generators are a godsend.
I'm not entirely sure I'm new. I think I was here at some point, then not.
Anyway, my name is Matthew, I'm 21, currently living near Boston where I'm preparing a cognitive sciences major at university. I was diagnosed with HFA/whatever term is currently used last year, and have pretty much been sulking about, pitying myself since. Of course, the nasty winter made that much easier, as now that it's nice, it's a bit more difficult to stay inside wallowing. So, pity-stick taken out of ass. Good.
What to say about myself...hmm...my interests include philosophy, linguistics, writing, meteorology, sociology(strangely enough,) classical and electronic music, art/architecture, occasionally culture-jamming, and probably other stuff I haven't tried.
Eh, I'll let my future posts fill in the blanks. This starting conversation thing is much easier when someone else starts it.