Hi, I am new to wrong planet and i thought i should introduce myself.
Name: Kim
Nickname: raph522
DOB: May 22, 1987
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: blue-green
Occupation: College student, seasonally in an amusement park
Hobbies: origami, video games, reading, my imaginary world
Likes: Video games, comics (x-men/Excalibur mostly), fantasy books, history, almost anything pirate-related
Dislikes: wet cotton, people who make fun of others or beat other people up. (I don’t dislike them, just the actions they choose to take)
Personality: I am very shy and I have problems with anxiety. I have very strong opinions and have been told I talk too much about them.
Pets: two dogs and a cat. At one time I had a rabbit and a couple different rodents but my mom decided she did not like certain animals in her house.
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