My name is John, I'm a techie by trade. I concluded a few years ago thad I was ADD by answering almost all the questions in "Driven to Distraction"(Hallowell) correctly. I've learned to cope quite well. A friend loaned me a video of Temple Grandin lecturing somewhere on "The Spectrum of Autism" and identified immediately with a lot of it. As an Engineer who approaches a problem visually like Dr. Grandin, I admire her engineering greatly. I'm unsure about Apspergers, but I sure have had interpersonal communication problems in the past.
One of th posts asked "is anyone in this group over 30?" Well, I'm 74. When I addressed my ADD I decided I really didn't want to continut acting the same way, and have been working on my behavior, since I can't change the way my brain is wired. I've tried to structure my life, get up eat, and go to bed at the same time every day. I'm active in the dance community, get it on with young women in their 40's and 50's on the dance floor, flirt shamessly, and I don't have to take them home!
Live Joyfully . . .
Normal is BORING