I had hoped to come up with a more unique title, but nothing really came to mind. Granted I could have just gone for something random, but that defeats the point of it.
I had hoped to come up with a more unique title, but nothing really came to mind. Granted I could have just gone for something random, but that defeats the point of it.
What point you ask? Ha! I'll never tell. *cackles*
Mostly because I have no idea what it is.
I found this site fairly randomly a few days ago when I was searching for a BESM (Big Eyes Small Mouth. Not BDSM. Not that I'm trying to imply I'm not a pervert) MUSH. (Today's special is acronym soup!) I didn't find any, but I figure as someone with Asperger's I may as well join a community focused around it.
Also, I'm so strange that even the classifications of strange don't necessarily apply (according to one set of definitions I have Asperger's syndrome, according to another I have 'Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified'. So it was rather a bit of a challenge in choosing what to set on my profile)
I'm eccentric and strange. I'm both proud of this and at times depressed. But really I'm more depressed about a lot of other things. Like that my pet knife just died.
I'll miss old stabby.
There's also a lot of other stuff that I didn't just make up which I'm not going to get into because I'm a little self conscious and mysterious.
Despite what that picture over there (which I hope loaded properly) might suggest, I do smile. And only sometimes is that cause for concern.
I'm pretty easy going, though I fake the rage pretty good. It could also be that I'm just generally angry. Nothing very specific (Burn world! Burn! AH HA HA!). When I do get angry though you'll know it. Actually probably not because even when I'm filled with such rage that the ground shakes and fire follows in my wake it doesn't seem to accomplish much aside from giving Hollywood special effects types ideas. (Where are my cheques? )
I've been known for starting trouble on forums. (not really known for it, I'm hardly famous. I just start trouble sometimes really) I probably won't do that here though. I only like to mess with people that I feel really deserve it.
I'm a pretty good programmer (hooray! an application for my strangeness other then throwing poodles at people) and I have more than a few schemes related to this. (Like witting a program to trade on the stock markets without my direct intervention. That way I can make money while I'm away throwing poodles at people. Not that I actually do that, but it is a hypothetical possibility)
Politically I'm pretty left (Angry Conservatives are fun to mess with!) though as to a specific party it's generally a real difficulty (I've voted for the Liberals, NDP, and Green Party) I won't get into any of my specific political beliefs here, as they may or may not erupt into flames. The short version of it is I'm for solving environmental problems at the same time as the social ones (they're more linked then many people think).
Not much surprises me, as I'm pretty cynical (A requirement I think of any environmentalist), and I think a lot about things. Some would say too much. Generally people that do not think enough. But then again things seem to work out pretty good pretty frequently for people that don't think enough. Ah well, if I get anywhere (yeah right) I don't see it being anything other then with a lot of good think'n.
And there's a lot more I could say, but this is rather verbose as is. And I might wear out some people's thesauri.
(Spellcheck completed! Now you only need to gouge out your eyes at my bad grammar)