Hello gang, I'm not sure this is the right place for me. I'm not AS - actually that's maybe not true as I do exhibit some behaviours. Hmmm. Anyway, I'm not here about me.
My father is Asperger's, all the way. He's 67 and undiagnosed, and that's not going to change. As far as he is concerned, he's normal but everyone else around him has some kind of problem. It took me until my early 20s to realise that, statistically, that can't be right. My childhood and that of my brother were bloody awful, and it's taken me years to identify why.
I've been doing a lot of investigation into this over the last few years, I've spoken to other Asperger's, I know what's going on. It was in many ways a huge relief to find out there was a reason for everything. When I read accounts of other kids growing up with AS parents and how their lives were, it feels amazing and hugely emotional to me. The sense of recognition is such sweet relief, and such sweet pain too. That said, finding a reason doesn't make it any easier to live with on a daily basis. Even simple conversations with my father are challenging (that's putting it charitably...). I'm 35, educated, independent, not overly emotional or neurotic in general, and yet simple conversations with my father reduce me to tears on a regular basis.
I've pretty much come to terms with the idea that there's nothing that can be done about the way he is, particularly as he is in denial about mental health diagnoses of any kind - "they're mad" is his explanation for, well, pretty much everyone and everything. He doesn't believe in autism, ADHD, depression, chronic fatigue, none of it - it's all self-indulgence, apparently. Under those circumstances, I feel all I can do is keep educating myself on the subject, to keep learning ways to deal with it. It seems to me there's a lot of info out there to help parents dealing with AS children, and some for those with an AS partner, but very little for people in my situation. I find this website extremely helpful and it relaxes me to read about AS and all its different manisfestations in people's lives. I hope that's OK with you lot.
I'm sorry I've gone on, but my mother has been away the past week so I've had to deal with my father and I'm really at the end of my tether. Let's just say it's a good job I don't know anything about mushrooms, otherwise I'd be out there now looking for the dodgy ones to slip in his breakfast tomorrow