What is your first name? Simon
Age: 24
Location: Sydney Australia
Hobbies and Interests: Computers, games
Why are you here? Find some answers about how to fix my life
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Was told I had Asperger's syndrome in 2002 wen I got kick out of home by specialist even tho parents knew before hand.
Favorite subjects: I.t. Technical support
Year/Grade: TAFE Cert 4 web design
Favorite music: Linkin Park, Evanescence
Books: Animorphs Series
TV shows/Movies: James Bond, Mythbusters
Do you like sports? YES
Family: I live alone no family support
How did you find this website? By a friend who is a member
Job: I.T. Tech Support for friends, family
Plans for the future?