This is scary for me. I have come to a slow realization that maybe I have Asperger's. I don't feel the need to elaborate right now, but I've been dealing with this my whole life. I've done OK, but sometimes I get overwhelmed in a situation and I have a meltdown or whatever. I grew up a ministers kid, so I was always aware of "acting right", so I can often put on a good show for people. It didn't always work.
I say this is scary, because I've never told anyone I think I may have Asperger's. I've never even written it down. I'm scared because it's easy for me to deny something that hasn't been made real, once I say something (or write it) it has it's own life., it becomes real to me. I'm scared of what my family and partner will say if I bring this up. I mean I may not have AS, but if not, then what. The "then what" scares me even more. I have a close cousin who's son is autistic, I'm afraid of what she will feel about this.
I am pretty social, but I don't have friends outside my interests. I'm really good at the technical aspects of my job, but the office politics cause me problems. Some people think I'm mean, aloof, tactless. I have made people cry accidentally. I don't "get" people sometimes. I have been in a relationship for 12 years and my partner still calls me a spazz when there are times I can't handle being in a noisy restaurant, and also doesn't understand that I need time alone or quiet, that a touch can feel painful.
I don't think getting a diagnosis will change my life significantly, (I'm 42), but it may bring up some stuff with my parents. They really tried to act like everything was OK when I was growing up, and I learned to act like that too. But things really weren't OK, they were loving parents, but they knew I was really having problems, and mostly just minimized it. We have talked about my childhood once, and they say they wish they had been more proactive, instead of just trying to make me be normal. They did what they thought best (with a strange kid). It took me a long time to stop being what other people thought I was.
This is really long, I'm sorry. I took me an hour to write it.