Hey everyone, I'm happy to have found this site and will probably be visiting a lot over the coming months. Like most internet beings I have a tendancy to post little and leech lots but will try my hardest to become an active member of this community
My five year old son JD is about to get a diagnosis after 12 months of tests and assessments, our third development appointment is in March. I've been told by doctors and teachers that JD is probably aspergers, and after reading lots of information I'd be inclined to agree with them but I'd say he's the milder end of the spectrum.
JD can be anti-social sometimes preferring his own company, tearful and emotional over the mildest hiccup, he stammers, stims to control his stammer, has picked up the odd OCD, he often speaks out of turn and at inappropriate times and is very stubborn and defiant. He is in mainstream school, academically sound, is involved in all school activities except school plays (he does not like speaking in public because of his stammer, he finds it very frustrating) and has lots of friends.
Today, he has a school visit from an educational psychiatrist. I have no idea what she is doing or why, so I have come to your lovely forum to find out more and read other parents experiences.
Hope to meet you all on my way round the boards.