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22 Nov 2010, 2:51 pm

Hi! Im so glad to find this forum. I dont want to bore anyone with my story, but WOW, I dont know where to begin. I am a busy mom of 3 boys, and I also take care of my mother n law and father n law. They moved in with us 6 years ago. My mother n law has always been a "different" type of individual, who most think of as rude and hateful. I have always been kind to her and her needs, and thought that she was that way because of her seizure disorder and also due to being legally deaf. For 15 years I have dealt with her and she considers me to be her only friend. Never have I pondered the thought that there could be something more to her situation, until this past week.

You see, something very unusual happened to our family. As a result, I began to question everything, and to a certain degree began to just fall apart. Here is what happened...

Last Thursday my MIL (mother n law) went to a doctor appointment in another town. She goes to a hearing support group monthly. For most of the day, she was gone. When she returned home, she approached my youngest son outdoors and asked if my husband (her son) was home from work yet. He told her no, and she just went on with her business. A few minutes later I decided to go to her house and ask what she needed. She was just walking out to her mail box and acted as though nothing were wrong at all. As I was about to come back to my house, she said, "I just needed a little help getting Ronnie out of the floor...." I knew something was not right. I ran past her and into her house and found my father n law passed out and half in the floor and half pinned against the wall stuck. He is a horrible diabetic, and I was concerned about his blood sugar levels, and his bad knee, etc. I was fumbling for a phone to call 911, and all the while she was making herself a tea and taking her dog outside for a walk.

Now, she has been what I considered "uncaring" in the past, but this was just overkill for me. I didn't understand what her mind was thinking at all. No one could. To make a very LONG story short, my father n law is recovering at home and doing better. However, I have been so hurt and confused about my mother n laws actions that I started asking others questions, which led me to a site about Asperger's and then ultimately to this forum.

I could not believe it when I started reading the symptoms of this disorder!! I think my MIL is the poster child for it. Literally, I sat with my mouth open in shock. For 15 years I have dealt with this.....and never knew. Not to mention the fact that my MIL is 66 years old, and has been through so many horrible things in her own life. Our family has been torn apart in so many ways.....her oldest son and his family will not even come around her/us anymore.

my biggest question is this: How do I approach her with this information? How do I discuss any of this with her, without breaking her heart? I love her, dont misunderstand me. I do care about her well-being. I am so confused on what to do or say right now. Can anyone out there tell me what to do??? thank you for reading this if you did! I appreciate any/all advice very much.


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22 Nov 2010, 2:52 pm


I am Ashley. My pronouns are she/her.


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22 Nov 2010, 4:14 pm

Welcome to WP!

The situation is a bit of a pickle, can't really advice on that. I'm sure someone else can here or in another part of the forum.

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22 Nov 2010, 5:51 pm

Welcome to the WP forums, flowerthief.

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22 Nov 2010, 6:33 pm

Wow Indeed.


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22 Nov 2010, 8:25 pm

flowerthief wrote:
He is a horrible diabetic, and I was concerned about his blood sugar levels, and his bad knee, etc. I was fumbling for a phone to call 911, and all the while she was making herself a tea and taking her dog outside for a walk

This does not sound like Aspergian behavior, it sounds like senile dementia. Autistics may often seem distant and aloof, but we are not the uncaring robots some idiot writers make us out to be. To equate this woman's behavior with AS is to grossly misunderstand what AS is like. To be THAT disconnected from reality indicates a condition far more severe. This woman needs to be evaluated by a professional, she may be in the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease.

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22 Nov 2010, 8:51 pm

Avengilante wrote:
flowerthief wrote:
He is a horrible diabetic, and I was concerned about his blood sugar levels, and his bad knee, etc. I was fumbling for a phone to call 911, and all the while she was making herself a tea and taking her dog outside for a walk

This does not sound like Aspergian behavior, it sounds like senile dementia. Autistics may often seem distant and aloof, but we are not the uncaring robots some idiot writers make us out to be. To equate this woman's behavior with AS is to grossly misunderstand what AS is like. To be THAT disconnected from reality indicates a condition far more severe. This woman needs to be evaluated by a professional, she may be in the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease.

I'm not sure if I agree with this or not. People with AS are prone to acting inappropriately in emergency situations -- like running away, meltdowns, etc but I've never really heard of what the OP described.

It does sound a bit like dementia, or perhaps simply more severe autism than Asperger's typically is. I just have trouble believing someone with autism could last until 66 years of age and not know that it is an emergency situation when someone is passed out on the floor, even if they react a bit unusually to it.


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23 Nov 2010, 5:48 am

Hello and welcome to WrongPlanet flowerthief :)

I don't know which personality traits she has that made you think of Aspergers, but in my opinion the situation you described doesn't sound like Aspergers at all. It sounds more like she was totally unaware of the situation. It reminds me of what happened to my grand aunt (which doesn't mean it is the same issue as your mother in law has), and in her case she had blocked neck arteries, because of that the blood couldn't flow normally to her brain and she was acting the way you describe, and was very confused, also sometimes asking questions as if she thought the present was 20 years ago, etc.


That's the way things come clear. All of a sudden. And then you realize how obvious they've been all along. ~Madeleine L'Engle

Emu Egg
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23 Nov 2010, 9:09 am

Hi everyone, and thank you so much for the welcomes and replies. I really should explain what led me to the "aspergers" idea concerning my mother n law. I should also point out that she has been this way for 15 years that I have known her, and prior according to family. She has always been "different". When she was younger (she can barely recall her past) she would have episodes of waking in the night screaming. In the early 90's, she began having what they describe as seizures--but what I witnessed was more of a "zoning-out" episode. She would simply be in another world, and no one could reach her there. They would last sometimes for hours on end. She was prescribed medications for that, and rarely has an occurence now. But it does still happen on occassion. She was diagnosed as legally deaf when she was 3 years old. I dont know if any of the above has anything at all to do with aspergers or not.....I was simply stating a few things that I know.

I also want very much to apologize to everyone!! ! Please, understand that I am in no way trying to make this condition seem like a heartless, robotic stereotype at all. Please, please.....Im so sorry if I came across that way, it was not intentional at all.

Also, it is true that my MIL does retreat into her own world when anything stressfull is occuring. She is not always like this, but it happens.

here are some facts about her:

She is extremely intelligent. Math is her strong point, and she is constantly working puzzles and sudoku. she has very little understanding about others' feelings. She retreats into her own world when there is a group discussion-family or otherwise. When she does talk to everyone, its usually unappropriate. She asks questions that I would assume someone of her age would already understand. this part has always puzzled me. She is very fixated on certain topics. To the point that when a person tries to retreat from the topic, she follows them room to room still talking about it. She knows prices of everything---she can tell you what the gas prices are at every gas station in this town. She seems to have a very strong sense of "justice", she feels that she is being "ripped-off" by everyone. She follows strict routine, and is ALWAYS busy. She has a very distinct sounding voice as well. She speaks in this deep monotone, and does have the robotic sound mentioned, she sounds like she is talking flat and her voice cant go beyond it. That part has always been hard on her, because people have made fun of her for it. She also stands too close when she talks to you. This is to the point its uncomfortable for others. There are so many more things.

Her husband is very unloving to her. He said that he gave up on her. She goes to the doctor (neurologist) every month, but he is such a jerk to her....he doesn't even take time to listen to what is happening. I want to go with her to see him next month with some of the information that I have read. I dont know if she has aspergers syndrome or not. But when I read about it, something inside of me just said, this explains everything. I appreciate everyone listening to me, and if this thread needs to be moved, that's okay too.

blessings to everyone here,



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23 Nov 2010, 4:43 pm

flowerthief wrote:
Hi everyone, and thank you so much for the welcomes and replies. I really should explain what led me to the "aspergers" idea concerning my mother n law. I should also point out that she has been this way for 15 years that I have known her, and prior according to family. She has always been "different". When she was younger (she can barely recall her past) she would have episodes of waking in the night screaming. In the early 90's, she began having what they describe as seizures--but what I witnessed was more of a "zoning-out" episode. She would simply be in another world, and no one could reach her there. They would last sometimes for hours on end. She was prescribed medications for that, and rarely has an occurence now. But it does still happen on occassion. She was diagnosed as legally deaf when she was 3 years old. I dont know if any of the above has anything at all to do with aspergers or not.....I was simply stating a few things that I know.

I also want very much to apologize to everyone!! ! Please, understand that I am in no way trying to make this condition seem like a heartless, robotic stereotype at all. Please, please.....Im so sorry if I came across that way, it was not intentional at all.

Also, it is true that my MIL does retreat into her own world when anything stressfull is occuring. She is not always like this, but it happens.

here are some facts about her:

She is extremely intelligent. Math is her strong point, and she is constantly working puzzles and sudoku. she has very little understanding about others' feelings. She retreats into her own world when there is a group discussion-family or otherwise. When she does talk to everyone, its usually unappropriate. She asks questions that I would assume someone of her age would already understand. this part has always puzzled me. She is very fixated on certain topics. To the point that when a person tries to retreat from the topic, she follows them room to room still talking about it. She knows prices of everything---she can tell you what the gas prices are at every gas station in this town. She seems to have a very strong sense of "justice", she feels that she is being "ripped-off" by everyone. She follows strict routine, and is ALWAYS busy. She has a very distinct sounding voice as well. She speaks in this deep monotone, and does have the robotic sound mentioned, she sounds like she is talking flat and her voice cant go beyond it. That part has always been hard on her, because people have made fun of her for it. She also stands too close when she talks to you. This is to the point its uncomfortable for others. There are so many more things.

Her husband is very unloving to her. He said that he gave up on her. She goes to the doctor (neurologist) every month, but he is such a jerk to her....he doesn't even take time to listen to what is happening. I want to go with her to see him next month with some of the information that I have read. I dont know if she has aspergers syndrome or not. But when I read about it, something inside of me just said, this explains everything. I appreciate everyone listening to me, and if this thread needs to be moved, that's okay too.

blessings to everyone here,


You didn't offend me. There are lots of negative stereotypes and misunderstandings about the autism spectrum so people kind of react badly when they perceive such things here.

I think AS is a possibility. But I also think the issues you are describing could be attributed to other things as well. I do not know much about deafness, but if someone were legally deaf would they not be prone to standing close to people and not knowing when a conversation ended, or might have a funny voice? That's one idea.

Epilepsy is actually common in autistics. It is also possible she is autistic but if so, I think there is probably more going on than autism. The main incident in your post seems indicative of something other than autism to me. I know epilepsy can be of a disassociative type.

These are all just things to consider. I think when someone reads about autism and recognizes a person immediately in it and very strongly, they are usually right.


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23 Nov 2010, 5:30 pm

Ok now I see why you think she may have Aspergers, some of the characteristics you described maybe be AS, but some appear to be something else, as buryuntime said.

I see you mentioned her neurologist, was she diagnosed with something?


That's the way things come clear. All of a sudden. And then you realize how obvious they've been all along. ~Madeleine L'Engle

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24 Nov 2010, 10:35 am

hi again!

As far as any diagnosis goes.....she has only been diagnosed with a seizure disorder. (and of course partial deafness) However, she has mentioned that the doctor has been very stumped by her case, in the past, but has never followed up to get an accurate diagnosis.

I have also for years attributed all of her problems to her deafness. But even with those common factors, there has always been something missing. It is very possible that she does indeed have something far different from Aspergers. But when I literally stumbled upon this, (after years of prayers for some kind of relief), I was absolutely dumbfounded. As a matter of fact, I was reading a poll about symptoms in another thread yestarday.....and she was even a "yes" for just about every question. My husband has also been reading this with me and is convinced that this may be exactly what is wrong with his mother.

Now, you guys all know more than I. That is the primary reason that I came here for advice and to hear what you all have to say....because I value your opinions greatly. We are still looking for answers, because we do love her and want to help her desperately. It may be a long shot, but its the closest thing we have found that fits this difficult puzzle.

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25 Nov 2010, 9:57 pm

A very special Welkome to WrongPlanet.

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25 Nov 2010, 11:49 pm

Well I must say, no matter what you decide in the future, whether she gets an official diagnosis or not (I mean for AS or something else then seizures), that she is very lucky to have a person like you in her family. God bless you flowerthief.


That's the way things come clear. All of a sudden. And then you realize how obvious they've been all along. ~Madeleine L'Engle


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26 Nov 2010, 9:22 am


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