Wallourdes wrote:
*waves back*
Welcome to WP!
Hi, thank-you!
conundrum wrote:
Actually, my mom suspected "mild autism" when I was very young. Considering this was the early to mid-1980's, that was a pretty good guess.
Wow, that's pretty impressive! Funnily enough, my mother used to be fairly dismissive of 'Signs Your Child Could Be On the Autism Spectrum' articles, going, 'Pfft! My child has nearly ALL of those traits and SHE isn't autistic!'
She's now not only convinced that I'm probably Aspergian, but that she possibly could be as well.
conundrum wrote:
People ALWAYS thought that about me.
I guess me being a pompous know-it-all was only cute up until a certain point. And then once I grew a few inches, it just looked like me being a snotty brat.
conundrum wrote:
No, you're not. You're just introducing yourself very thoroughly. A lot of us do that.
Welcome to WP! Glad you found us.
Thank-you for the warm welcome!
conundrum wrote:
Regarding that lecture: I would have thought that was WAY cool! Also, the fact that you even make yourself go to parties puts you a cut above where I am.
No matter what you find out in January, you are more than welcome here.
Hahaha, then perhaps you should have been there, then. I mostly just got a lot of horrified looks, then left shortly thereafter. Apparently, when people say, 'Why would they ever have done that, anyways?' in regards to the removal of foreskin, it's meant as a rhetorical question rather than genuine curiosity.
Generally, I can only make myself go to one or two small ones (ie. this one was a whopping five people - is that even considered a party?) a year for an hour or two at most before fleeing in terror, so people can usually assume that if they see me make a cameo appearance at any function, they won't be seeing me again for quite sometime.
You're not missing anything - they're frightening and awful for the most part!