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30 Nov 2010, 12:48 am

This is my first post here. I'm 30 years old, male, and have struggled with mental illness (recurring depressive episodes) for most of my adult life. I was also diagnosed with mild OCD and Social Anxiety Disorder. I was never quite content that these things explained all my "difficulties", but I tend to be very trusting when it comes to doctors, so I didn't pursue it much further. I only started investigating asperger's a couple weeks ago by chance. I like learning random stuff on the Internet. Sometimes, I'll hear something on TV or in the news or a video game that I don't recognize or makes me curious and look it up. I don't remember where I heard about Asperger's or even when (it's rather random, I'll just suddenly remember there was something I wanted to look up weeks or months ago but forgot), just that I heard it somewhere and didn't know what it was.

Once I looked it up I noticed a lot of symptoms were similar to OCD, so I investigated further. I found a lot of descriptions that fit me very well, especially when I was a child. As an adult, I've broken many of these that I simply thought of as "bad habits". I also have Crohn's and learned that people with autism spectrum disorders may be more likely to have this and other digestive disorders.

I am awkward and uncomfortable in social situations even when I'm not really nervous or afraid. I find I tire quickly when I'm in a group situation, especially if it's social focused rather than task focused. For instance, in college, I did fairly well in group classwork when we were focused on a project or something (perhaps respect for my high grades and intelligent question answers in class made people tolerate me), but just talking with people socially, for example, when on a bus ride to an academic team meet, was harder. A group of more than about 3 or 4 people leaves me exhausted after a couple of hours, even when it's people I've known all my life. A roomful of people just meeting and greeting (for example a job fair), leaves me confused, and frustrated in a few minutes.

I have several other traits that seem "aspie" to me. I am constantly moving. I pick at the skin around my fingernails. I bounce my legs incessantly while sitting. I sway back and forth when standing in place, moving my weight back and forth from one foot to another. I often pace back and forth when thinking intensely. At restaurants, I coil straw papers into little rolls. As a child, I used to twirl my hair, click pens and pencils, drum my fingers, etc. I clip clothes tags out of my clothes because they drive me nuts with the itching. When I was a child, I loved swimming, yet I would throw fits if I got my shirt wet. I can concentrate very hard for several hours on one thing so long as it holds my interest, (usually video games or work), and it bothers me when I'm interrupted. During my childhood, I loved learning and knowing lots of facts about things like snakes, animals, dinosaurs, history, and geography. I had lots of books like this, including some that were sort of odd for a kid to have like a reptile identification handbook, but I never read or had much interest in fiction until I was a teenager. I could hold intelligent conversations with my parents about history and science by the time I was about 8 years old (my dad was a history buff and my parents were both chemistry majors and highly intelligent people). I've often read descriptions of Asperger's children as sounding like "little adults" or "walking encyclopedias" and I've often been described in similar ways by my parents and others. As an adult, my only remaining obsession is video games. I play mostly RPGs and tend to be the sort of player that uses Internet FAQs and stuff to find every treasure and what not, though I also play some turn based strategy games as well.

I've read a lot of posts on here from different people and it seems really familiar to me. I haven't gotten for an official diagnosis, and I'm still unsure about any self-diagnosis, but I see enough information that I'm planning to bring it up with my regular counselor and my psychiatrist as well next appointment. I just wanted to see how my experiences and symptoms compared with others to see if I'm onto something or way off base. I scored a 132 AS, 65 NT on the aspie quiz, and I've scored 40 on the Simon Baron-Cohen test. I was going to post links to the ones I took but it doesn't let me post links.


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30 Nov 2010, 2:12 am

hiya, ZD 8)
welcome to WP :idea:


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30 Nov 2010, 4:55 am

At first I wondered how you were able to post 12 hours in the future, but then remembered about the whole time zone thing. Then I read your post and recognized the familiar story and completely related to it. I've gone through recurrent episodes of mental illness, mainly depression and anxiety coupled with OCD tendencies, yet having tried various pharmaceutical cocktails, all have left something intangible that can apparently only be explained by AS. I am still undiagnosed but am almost certainly an aspie. A diagnosis might be a relief as an explanation, but not absolutely necessary. Good luck with further self understanding.


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30 Nov 2010, 5:50 am

Hello and welcome to WrongPlant Zur-Darkstar :)

Thanks for sharing your story with us, looking forward to reading your posts on the forums.


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30 Nov 2010, 11:06 am


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30 Nov 2010, 11:23 am

Welcome to WP

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30 Nov 2010, 12:04 pm

Glad to meet you, Zur-Darkstar - and welcome aboard greetings to the WP.

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30 Nov 2010, 9:36 pm

About the time zone thing, I put in the wrong time zone when I was making my profile I am GMT -6 and I must have clicked +6 instead. The more I read, the more I feel like I'm in an episode of House and thinking how much more sense it makes for all the symptoms to be related to one thing, rather than by the improbability of having three separate diseases at once. When I put AS at the top, all the conditions become symptoms that arose over time from the original problem.

As for the drugs I take, I'm on high doses of SSRIs. The way I explain it to people who know me or new counselors is that they "turn down the volume" on the world. They lower the stress and anxiety that dealing with the normal everyday stuff gives me. Before the drugs, it was a tremendous effort just to get out of bed and go about my day, and I would become weepy and totally non-functional on a way too regular basis. I've been told by multiple doctors that it is unlikely I'll ever be able to stop taking them without a very high risk of depression relapse.

Thanks for all the friendly hellos.


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30 Nov 2010, 11:06 pm

Zur-Darkstar wrote:
Before the drugs, it was a tremendous effort just to get out of bed and go about my day, and I would become weepy and totally non-functional on a way too regular basis. I've been told by multiple doctors that it is unlikely I'll ever be able to stop taking them without a very high risk of depression relapse.

the lesser of two evils would be to keep on the meds. better living through chemistry.


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30 Nov 2010, 11:55 pm

auntblabby wrote:
Zur-Darkstar wrote:
Before the drugs, it was a tremendous effort just to get out of bed and go about my day, and I would become weepy and totally non-functional on a way too regular basis. I've been told by multiple doctors that it is unlikely I'll ever be able to stop taking them without a very high risk of depression relapse.

the lesser of two evils would be to keep on the meds. better living through chemistry.

My thoughts exactly. I bought some insurance that makes them cheap, take them like vitamins, and count my blessings SSRIs are among the safest drugs there are.

This is why I hate the organic/natural foods movement and some things about environmentalism. A lot of the people that buy into this seem to be making an implicit assumption that "everything natural is good" and "everything man does to alter nature is bad". By this logic, we should all be living in caves eating nuts and berries, having children at 15 and dying at 30. Don't get me wrong, to the extent environmentalism is based on actual science or a genuine belief that the environment has intrinsic value worth preserving, I can get behind it (I like recycling, renewable energy, national parks, etc.). Too often, however, it's based on ridiculous idealism, the origin of which I can only imagine arose out of some drug induced hallucination in the 60s.


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01 Dec 2010, 12:02 am

Zur-Darkstar wrote:
I bought some insurance that makes them cheap, take them like vitamins, and count my blessings SSRIs are among the safest drugs there are.

welcome to WP 8)
the main downside to the SSRIs is their dampening effect upon whoopie.


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01 Dec 2010, 12:33 am

auntblabby wrote:
Zur-Darkstar wrote:
I bought some insurance that makes them cheap, take them like vitamins, and count my blessings SSRIs are among the safest drugs there are.

welcome to WP 8)
the main downside to the SSRIs is their dampening effect upon whoopie.

I've never had an actual girlfriend, so I wouldn't know one way or the other. I still wish I had a GF though. If they diminish libido, they apparently don't diminish it enough for me :?


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01 Dec 2010, 5:19 am

Hello and welcome to the weird and wacky advertures of WrongPlanet. :salut:

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01 Dec 2010, 7:17 am

Hi and welcome to WP :)

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03 Dec 2010, 4:54 pm

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05 Dec 2010, 4:27 pm

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