I'm self diagnosed about 6 years ago. When I first read the description of behaviors associated with aspergers I was stunned.
I have a great education (ivy league engineering and MBA degrees) and subsequently massively underachieved in my career. Several failed relationships. I used alcohol as an alternative to developing meaningful relationships with people. Never enough to lose a job but enough so that its difficult to remember much detail of my life between the age of 18 and 45. I'm pretty sure that was my objective so I can't say that I failed in that respect. I don't drink much anymore.
Although I am in my early 50s I feel like I now have the social skills of someone around 20. When I was in my 20s I would say i was like a 12 year old,just starting to learn basic social rules for interacting with people. Its taken me a lot of time to learn to ask people how they are when i meet them, look them in the eye, listen to them, and keep my mouth shut about myself. I frequently get fooled into talking about myself which I later regret. i believe that most people, even non aspies, would rather talk about themselves anyway. The less you say about yourself the more time you can listen to their stories and stare at the hairs growing out of their noses.
Too negative? Probably. I'm trying to work myself away from that. old habits die hard.
I like my beagle, rhodesian ridgeback, and three cats. I have a whole bunch of turtles. I have a kid who is a non aspie and is doing great in school. I like Pink Floyd, both Syd Barrett Floyd and roger waters Floyd. I like the Mets and the Yankees (blasphemy!).
Thats all.