hey all
I am Dunc, I just joined today. I will try hard (mostly) not to annoy anyone, but if I do tell me and I will try to tone it down a bit...
About me: I am 28 and from west yorkshire, and after some time (18 months) have been diagnosed with Aspergers. I have been married for 8 years and have three kids, ages 7, 5 and 13 months. I don't think it would be a good idea to have any more.
I realised I was probably on the spectrum after my eldest was diagnosed with AS 2 years ago, and realised I hadn't noticed anything 'odd' as he was just like me at that age. 'normal' is such a relative word...
just in case anyone would like to know anything about me, here goes:
I like maps and geographical facts/ statistics, at the moment I am focused on polar regions... I have drawn and read maps for fun since I could hold a pen well enough and love sim city, although its not really the same...
I am a music obsessive, listening to and collecting by any means necessary goth, punk, alternative rock, darkwave and industrial music, compiling mixing and recompiling track lists and mix CDs, I allegedly have some musical ability as I had perfect pitch as a child and can carry rhythm but I lack the patience to learn an instrument...
I love horror and fantasy films/TV/books, particularly Buffy the Vampire Slayer and spin off Angel (both series now finished sadly, although I have all the episodes etc lol), Stephen King, Michael Moorcock, Clive Barker, Tim Burton's films (eg Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow), The Crow, Tolkien, Interview With The Vampire/Anne Rice's novels...
that will probably do for now, if anyone shares my interests and wants to chat yay!