I'm 32, from Great Britain.
I came here because I'm sort of all mixed up. To cut a long story short, I havd a VERY miserable childhood where I just didn't belong, got bullied and pushed out, and in fact this site's name "wrong planet" is PRECISELY how I felt at school and sometimes still feel these days.
I learned a TINY bit about AS a few years ago when an online friend told me she had it, and then about a month ago a non-online friend asked me to find some info about it as she is being tested for it. In the process of this, I was disturbed to find how much of the stuff found could relate to me, how many accounts of life by AS people essentially told stuff that I had been through-bullying, having to be TOLD I was beung teased because I didn't know, trying to make friends and people not wanting to know, not making eye contact, my constant obsessions that my mother hated. I could go on and on but I won't. Just suffice it to say that if I have AS, it would explain an awful lot about my life and friendships (or lack of) that I have so far not found any answers to.
After visiting some more sites and speaking to a few AS-people online (who said I should get tested), I wrote to my doctor on 9 June asking to be tested for AS.
So now, I'm playing the waiting game.
Well, if you want to know more, ask away.