I am at this site because of Nick Dubin's book Asperger Syndrome and Anxiety. I started reading this sort of material after being hospitalized with a combination of anxiety of pyschotic features. The psychiatrist asked me whether I had ever been diagnosed with Asperger's.
Well, there's a long story. Years ago I was in grad school, and I just wasn't getting the job done. I did some reading here and there, and thought at times I was depressed, hand anxiety/OCD, and perhaps schizphrenia. Then false memories came up, and I was sent to the Counseling Services psychiatrist, and she diagnosed me with schizophrenia based on the way I remembered things..
Later, I saw other psychiatrists who recognized the level of anxiety, and they suggesteted that I had OCD to bring on the false memories. I saw a clinical psychologist years ago who said I had schizophrenia with over-perseveration as part of it, OCD, and depression.
At the latest hospitalization, the psychiatrist had a psychologist talk to and test me, and he concluded it was schizoaffective disorder (schizophrenia, he said, requires hearing voices for 6 months), OCD, and probably Asperger's. Talk about a lot of sh!@.
Anyway I have a lot of the same problems a lot of other Aspies have. I read how Nick showered his online dating mate with affection. I recently got onine, myself, after never having had a serious date (I am 39 years old) and found a nice woman, and I showered her with affection strangely, I (or many) would think, saying "lots of love" when I don't think whe thought I loved her already. Then, last night I saw a message when I was registering from Theo, who said that she tends to be way too honest/tell too much in dating things. That happned to me, too. As part of my non-Aspie traits, I tend to have a sexual addiction - and - I won't say what I said to them, but two women pretty much stopped talking to me. (My local mental health primary ACT worker says I am "brutally honest" - I just learned in the past few days how common among Aspies that is..... Anwya, that's enough from me for now.