Hi my name is Adam.
Basically, I got put through some pretty horrible mental health systems that did not end up working well, and now I am able (with finalcial assistance) to live on my own. I was diagnosed about 3 years ago. I dropped out of middleschool and currently working on my GED. Things are looking up, but I suspect I have post traumatic stress disorder. Trying to sortof my antidepressant medicaiton. Getting over a lot of the negative support systems I lived through, and negative support workers and therapists. BUT things are looking up...although it's extremely hard.
Just thought I'd say hi. I'll be posting here or lurking here as much as I can.
It's just really nice to know that these 'trivial almost meaningless meltdowns'...other peopel with Asperger's have them too. That's oen fo the biggest impression I got from just glancing over here and posting a few times in the past. It gives people a sense of normalcy. At least it does for me.
I know a lot about ways to cope with sensory problems, and I just moved about 4 times in 6 months so that whole change thing...was hard to cope with but I made it thru.
See you around or something!