Hi TheDebill.
I know about the brick walls here, and can only say 'I got lucky'.
Briefly, I knew something was up for a long time, trying very hard to get on with life but issues kept arising. Last spring I (completely by chance) picked up a health magazine which listed the 'traits' of AS and went about ticking pretty much all the boxes.
Went to local GP who was not convinced but to his credit did listen and referred me to local mental health.
A psychologist there saw me for a short while and said I did not have AS because I "made regular eye contact and could hold a conversation" (quote). We found out he was not trained in AS at all, but obviously was waiting for me to start rocking backwards and forwards looking only at the floor before he would be happy to say it was AS!
My wife, great support, then called so many places I lost track. She took over. I think it was through the NAS or local PCT that we heard of a pilot scheme for dx in our local area and were just so incredibly lucky that I was one of the 16 they would be funded to assess. Before that we even (briefly) considered a private assessment.
I know that 'luck' is no consolation for you, and I wish it were otherwise. But from the feedback from the local NHS speech and language centre where I was assessed (by very hghly trained and acreditted people) it seems that the pilot was a success and it will likely become a permanent fixture here locally, and maybe more widespread nationally. I'm sorry that I can only be vague and say it is somewhere in Wilts - I'm still not comfortable on forums.
So it could be that the tide is turning, and getting assessment may be easier in the future. I can only hope this is so.
My very best wishes.