Hi again. I looked at the "questions about you" topic and thought I'd mention a little bit of it. Being pretty computer stupid (but I did get a degree programming in extinct languages like basic, cobol, how about rpg II?) I wasn't sure how to get a blank form! no matter,
TooMuch usually called Cathy--and a baby boomer. Raised in New England, now in Georgia after a comedy of errors (decisions)...take a long time to try to make good decisions and usually mess it up somehow!
Have been on disability since '96 after lousy jobs doing clerical/admin work when I could. Closest I ever got was being hired to write a users manual for a new system---a few weeks found the place closed..the new owner took the money and ran!
Interests? My puppie dogs, almost 8-years old; rough coated collies; brothers; spoiled and incredibly sensitive if I'm (flat out honest), angry. But, love to be out in the woods or fields enjoying everything...on the computer doing research to find out about everything--psychology and health--and reading fantasy fiction, sci fi, action, and I (unfortunately) enjoy reading disaster/armageddon novels where most/a lot of the typical society gets in deep...
Family? I share a house with my 90-year old mom; my brother lives up in Massachusetts. I've heard one of his grandchildren has just been dx'd with AS. Don't know any more that that.
Clothes/work/plans? Clothes are jeans, tees, hoodies. Good clothes are non-stained jeans, tees, and...
Living here with few acquaintances and no friends have muliple jobs! Caretaking, shopping and all that stuff, and got interested in building stuff and fixing stuff--latest was when I broke an outside water faucet on New Year's Eve...we couldn't afford an emergency plumbing co. visit, so turned off the main water valve, waited for the stores to open on that Sunday, the salespeople down there are pretty friendly, got the parts,they told me what I needed to do, and after a few wrong moves, we had water again. (But if I'm afraid I'll mess up and get criticized, will procrastinate and not touch it with a 10-foot pole!
Plans for the fitire? Figure how I got this way in my lifetime, feel decent with the person inside here (even if no one else around me acknowledges that!), and have a few peaceful, independent years doing things I like.
Lots more to look up in these forums, but other responsibilities I can't totally ignore!