I am writing this post in desperation as I am at a loss as to where to seek help for my son. Spencer is 26 y/o, extremely bright and suffers with Asperger’s Syndrome and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Every area of his life is a disaster. His PTSD comes from years of abuse from teachers/therapists who never once realized he had Asperger’s but viewed him as a rebellious teenager and later from his father who literally kept him a emotional and physical prisoner.
Spencer’s primary field of interest has always been computers and he is gifted in that area. Spencer always tests out into the class of genius but he has a deficit in mathematics that has never been explained other than to state the stress he was under would have prevented him from getting a strong hold on the subject when he needed it the most. Spencer is self educated. Myers-Briggs classifies him as an INTJ but the world treats him as if he were a lazy bum who lacks any ambition for life. Having above average intelligence creates an expectation for success and with his impressive knowledge of computers, high expectations were believed to be forthcoming but it was his social-emotional behavior deficits that were given attention. Spencer is depressed and depression medications do not work for Spencer and in fact they have a detrimental effect on him. Because of the PTSD, Spencer trusts no one and has never worked for anyone but himself but he needs a way to support himself for the future. Working for himself does not provide a livable wage. He lives with me but I am disabled and unable to work. To look at Spencer you see a kind and gentle man, extremely intelligent, articulate and physically attractive but he needs help, help I can not give him. We are alone, without family or resources and we are running out of time.
People take everything at face value and never look beyond the surface of a situation and so Spencer is immediately determined to be lazy and living off his disabled mother and nothing could be further from the truth.
If anyone reading this post believes they have help or know where we can turn for help, please advise us.