Hello everyone. I just had my first appointment today but have been reading the Asperger's Inside out book and pretty sure I have it. I also scored high on the AQ test but low on the EQ test so it's a possibility. I've only had like 5 real friends. I do want a few good friends and someone special but just never knew how to tell if anyone was interested unless they stated so and never initiated myself.
I also thought I was just shy and had to meet others with commmon interestes. Last month I met an awesome girl online and misinterpereted things thinking she was interested in more then friends several times and she had to clearly state she wasn't as I'm just no her type nor have enough life experience. But even as just friends I mad her uncomfortable as I don't carry my weight in conversation and hesitate before giving simple answers. I actually thought I was doing quite well. She suggested asperger's a few times but I finally had a breakdown where I threw a little fit about why can't I talk to her and why is someone i feel so right for me finally think i am so wrong? She brought it up again and we talked about it, so i looked further into it and it's like my personality is a list of symptoms
Anyway, I need to stop being alone and thinking all the time, I ideally would like to meet understanding people who may want to meet in person at times. I also now do not know if my perception of the world is similar to others and no way to tell. I think I may have a childish view as I am very observant.
I'm also vegetarian and working on becoming vegan. I have been back with parents for 4 months and need to get out, but not sure how to find a house with a doggie door and a roomate to split the cost with around here :\ In a year i should have an associates degree to transfer to a 4 year college and would like to use that to get a decent job and move somewhere with more open minded people and warmer weather. I have a decent paying job now which is preventing me from just up and leaving.
I thought I was intelligent but have been belittled to think otherwise, especially due to grammer and spelling mistakes. I am a very nice and honest guy who cares for others, animals, and the planet but that does not seem to be enough for anyone. Went to dinner with a girl which I thought went well and only heard back once after that and never again :\ We even have the same dogs and live 5 minutes apart. Oh I'm 29 years old physically, not sure about mentally.
It's like my world has been turned upside down and i don't know who I really am.