guillermo64 wrote:
I have a son who is 14. He was classified in school as being in the spectrum, and although we fought that diagnosis initially, we have come to accept that something maybe off with him. He is not specially good in any subject and doesn't seem to be interested in anything in particular, he enjoys movies and tv shows, mostly of the funny variety. We've tried to introduce him to sports and music hoping he would make social connections, but it hasn't happened. He has a friend and a cousin who interact with him, but not enough to satisfy his friend needs. I wish there was a way of communicating with other parents who are in this situation and maybe we could make a friendship match. I'm open to any ideas. Thank you.
HI, Im a 37 yr old male with asperger syndrome.
Click on the above link or contact GRASP I go to a Grasp support group here in NYC/Long island.
Maybe these resources can help you find support for you and your son in Florida. Hang in there , Help is around for him. He is not alone. Dont worry. I still at my age have similar troubles as your son.
Hope this helps.