Wow! I finally got around to posting on here. My work schedule has been hectic the last two weeks.
I have a son 17 years old who is aspie. His dx came when he was 10. His previous dx were adhd / odd. He is now dx with both as and add.
I don't know about you all out there, but it seems to me that having a child with both add and as is like a nightmare. I wish he just had one, add or as. I hear those children are easier to handle. With both he's like a nightmare.
He does see an msw therapist. He was once on meds for add but was taken off years ago. With his therapist we all have recurrent family sessions as well as he sees him one to one. My husband doesn't think talk therapy is effective. I am not really sure.
My beloved can be a clown, quite silly and a wiseguy. His special interest is the environment, literally, climate change, mountains, pollution, you name it, he knows about it. It's all he talks about, really. It gets boring after a while.
Oh, I forgot to mention, my name is Marlene. I found out about this place through my son's therapist. She gave me two places she felt would be a good place to mingle. So, here I am.