So, yeah. I'm from the California Bay Area, and have only recently (within the past year) been diagnosed with Asperger's. Right now I'm attending university with a whoppin' courseload of 22 credits, so I don't have a whole lotta free time, but when I'm not studying I write, read, role-play, draw, and fill my day up with all sorts of wonderfully nerdy/creative/asocial pastimes. Also, I'm addicted to using emoticons.
I'm a psych major, which I guess is... weird, for someone who is a socially ret*d as I am? Whatever, I'm sure Aspie psych majors are pretty common -- what can't be learned from life can certainly be learned from a textbook! Right? Riiight.
So... yup. That's me. Anyone with similar hobbies and interests, I'd love to hear from you! Or anyone, really. Being a newb sucks majorly.