I've never been officially diagnosed (nor do I make any plans to be), but after seeing descriptions of Asperger's I felt like they could have been descibing me, personally. I finally broke down and took one of the online tests.
Version 5
Thank you for filling out this questionnaire.
Your Aspie score: 157 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 5 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
Your dyslexia / dyscalculia score: 138 of 200
You likely have dyslexia and/or dyscalculia
Your nonverbal IQ-test score: 16 of 18
I don't think I have dyslexia - I have no trouble reading and my trouble with writing is usually from typo's and from my getting a bit "lost in the language". I'm guessing that my dyslexia/dyscalculia score comes mostly from numbers - I was always terrible in math, algebra, and physics (the only way I managed to keep from completely failing algebra in high school was to completely re-write the chapters of the text book the final exam would cover, and then study my own version - I got the highest math-related test scores of my entire life as a result.)
I expected to show up at least somewhat Aspie, but my neurotypical score of 5/200 is an eye-opener for me, and speaks volumes. I
never expected to score particularly highly as NT... but, a mere
5/200??? (No wonder everyone has always thought I was strange, and all my teachers always said I was "anti-social", "needed to come out of his shell", "constantly in his own little world", and "never got along well with others"!)