Hello all! I've come here in search of learning more about autism and asperger's since my little brother was recently diagnosed. I'm 21 and he's 17 now, and though he's had issues for a long time he's finally been diagnosed with it on monday by his neurologist. We never considered autism, and he was even checked for it when he was in middle school when he attended a special school program for a year at a psychologist center instead of regular school but his physician was the one to recommend we have him tested again. Being a psychology student myself in college and having a father with bipolar disorder, and a mother with schizophrenia, disorders are nothing new to us but I know my aunt and I will need all the help we can get to help him. When I asked him what he thought about it he told me he didn't think he had it, and said they couldn't prove it with just the questionnaire tests but I'm hoping once we get him into some social classes and he's had time for it to sink in he'll be more accepting. The best way I knew to explain it was that his brain works a little differently, and he may see things differently, but he's still in denial.
Please wish me luck as I try to be the best big sister I can be!