Hey everyone. The name's Regal. I'm surprised I didn't find this place earlier, considering I spend an inordinate amount of time on the internet, but now that I have found it, I hope it'll prove itself useful.
A bit of backstory to go with my introduction, I guess. As a toddler I was diagnosed with PDD. My parents didn't exactly know how to deal with it, and they did so in the worst way possible (sent me to a doctor that claimed to know how to "cure" the disorder, while in reality all he did was pump me full of random medications that had nothing to do with autism treatment). I grew up knowing something was wrong, but my mother was emotionally abusive and refused to tell me anything about my situation other than that I was "sick", and would lash out at me whenever any autistic symptoms would emerge. Needless to say, I didn't have the best childhood.
After a few years in and out of psychiatric institutes, I can say I'm in a much better place mentally now (though still trying to get out of my mother's house), and somewhere along the line I was formally diagnosed with Aspergers. It hasn't been a diagnosis I've explored too much (I try to avoid any association with the psychiatric community, given my history of getting screwed over by doctors), but I figured I have no reason to keep being ignorant, especially since I find myself having a lot of questions about how Aspergers is affecting my life.
So that's pretty much it. From what I've seen of this forum so far, it already seems like a pretty cool place, so I'll probably be here a good amount.