Hello to introduce myself I'm currently a college student 24yrs old. I have moderate to severe OCD . I have a mild form of Aspergers as well.I'm currently seeing a psychologist for my OCD who specializes OCD. My pyschologist told me that people within the OCD population are 7 times more likely to display symptoms of Aspergers syndrome.I have some charatersistics such as talking in a monotone voice, talking to myself when alone as if I was talking to someone although I'm not sure if that's an OCD symptom.I feel like having to walk when feeling happy.But I don't have a hard time telling and reading a person's emotional expression. I like being around with other people and hanging out with other people.But I don't do since I'm shy, feel like I lack social skills due to my anxiety, also because I feel like I'm depressed about obsessing worrying about something.