I entered the website as "autism spectrum", as I have very glaring add. Although I am of average or above-average intelligence, I basically can't seem to do anything right, or keep a job over the long term. I offend people without realizing it, often I never do know what went wrong. I didn't think I had asperger's because I see myself as a very warm person emotionally, however, it seems I have difficulty expressing myself in a way that others can generally understand. I am very absentminded, I am often accused of things I don't remember doing. People think I am thoughtless and inconsiderate, when really I am just very forgetful. I am always late to meetings, I forget important details, I cannot keep my room/home neat and organized (it is always messy). I have difficulty keeping a job, and will not realize there's a serious problem until it is too late. I have a general inability to pull everything together for functioning in daily life. I don't want to have aspergers, but what if I do? I feel innately defective. I was married a little over a year ago, to a wonderful man, who seems to struggle in many of the same ways I do (that's not why I married him, but it may be a commonality that we share). We have a baby, 5 mos old, the pregnancy, delivery, and recovery were difficult, and I was out of work for several months because of it. Finally went back to work after 3 mos, I have already lost 2 jobs in that amount of time. I just want to cry.