my name? i'm usally called ty (short from tyler)
- i'm 22 years old
- from canada, ON
- i work on an old run down farm, i also weight lift when i can, and use a laptop when it comes to blanking out the world around me
- i've come to this site in interest and for a bonus, to also find my doppelganger
- at 4 years old - 14 - then 18 years old i've been diagnosed with autisum (high specturium), A.D.D, thought disorder, shyness, (infj) intorvert/intorversion, social anxiety
- Favorite subjects? i disliked school so much
- my Favorite music: female fronted symphonic metal bands - trailer music
- Books: the Bible
- TV shows/Movies: i grew up on horror movies but i wouldn't watch them now without a tv gaurdian or without the sound off completely
- Instrument: tom delonge is my favourite guitarist, but i've never played any instrument
- Do you like sports? i grew up playing hockey (like most canadians) until i reached the end of the line
- Family: i'm the second youngest of 4, english is our only language
- Clothing: i wear normal clothes, but not jeans (there stiff and cold) too uncomfortable for me
- How did you find this website? i found this site on my broswer one time
- Job: i lost my first and only job...
- Plans for the future? i don't know i can't see past 5 years right now
Any comments? i not a proud autistic, but this first post on mine is a forward, positive direction