Hi - I am 77 years young, and have only one off-spring, a 44 year old son. He was identified at grade 3 as having difficulties and differences, which I had noticed. He went all the way through school with an IEP and special ed classes, but nothing made any difference. He is above average in intelligence, decent and honest. He has had many minimum wage jobs, losing most of them through his inability to communicate, and chit chat etc. For most of his life I have sort counseling for myself to see how best to help him. He has not worked for 5 years, and except for a short spell of DSHS help, and some unemployment, he has had had no income. His Dad is 85, and we are paying his rent (low income) and his expenses. He is waiting for a SS Disability hearing, as he has been turned down several times. One person listening to me suggested he has Asperger's. On looking it up I was also convinced. He currently has a diagnosis of severe depression, Asperger's. ADD-combined, Schizoid Personality Disorder, etc. At our age and the fact that he has no relatives except in UK, Australia, and S. Africa, we are very afraid of what will happen to him when we are gone. Does anyone have a similar situation, and if so would be very interested in hearing how you cope.