Do to recent events, and reviewing the past, I am pretty sure I have Aspergers. Pretty sure my son has it, and read that there may be a paternal link.
My 8 year old boy is being tested for Autism in school, he is very bright, with some social quirks. He has trouble making/keeping friends. His verbal, social skills are delayed, he wants structure, and learns very easy. He tends to be obsessive about what he's interested in like Star Wars, and certain school subjects. He will ask the same question again and again, and not let the topic go. He has excellent long term memory.
I started a new trade 1.5 years ago, and am reviewed weekly by my peers. I have been described as "can't remember sh!t" "tunnel vision, can't walk and chew gum" "book smart, but no mechanical aptitude, or common sense" "unable to see the big picture". I have above average grades, and above average reviews for the classwork, and hands on classroom training. There is a lot of hazing/banter and I can't tell when my coworkers are joking or serious. I have always had poor social skills and am struggling with not fitting in with a clique. I get along with the outsiders who are very bright and good at their jobs. The majority of my coworkers believe I am able to do the job, but it may take me a while to get it.
previous to this job, I had never been at the same job for over 3.5 years, although, I was in the same trade for 15 years, and never unemployed for more than 4 days. I'm no good at small talk, but can talk about a subject I'm interested in no problem. I've struggled to maintain long term friendships, and even when I am part of a group, feel like I'm not as connected as others. I've never been able to maintain eye contact with anyone other than my wife or kids. I have an odd gait. I get fumble fingered, and brain cramped when stressed. My short term memory is crap, especially if I get distracted. I have a bachelors degree.
I don't know what else to say, this looks like a great site.