I'm a new member. ...undiagnosed, but scoring 156 of 200 on the quiz. Don't particulary care to have an offical DX. I've been studying Asperger's for about three years, prompted by hearing Temple Grandin on NPR. At 51, I've got a lot of now-almost-funny stories of how I tried to adapt to social situations, many in the process of being educated. An odd piece of luck I've had to struggle with is having a genuine interest in public policy, while at the same time being not to wild about being in and among people themselves--the very purpose of most of the policy studies. I've carved out an anthropological sort of method of studying things that has given me the distance that aspies seem to appreciate as well as relief from the paradox my personal interests and limitations often impose.
I've got a master's and a law degree and am starting another master's program shortly. I'm glad this forum exists and in reading many of the entires and other related materials on the Web, I'm very happy for those who won't have to slug it out on their own in situations--social and otherwise--that the NT types seem to slip through seamlessly.