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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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26 Aug 2011, 9:45 pm

Well I'm not shur how start this..... Kinda funny how I did, I'm a Farrier an stockman an got watching a lady with autism about cattle handling practices an well it all sempt pretty basic stuff, it also made me realize I figured that thought very simaly, an have always struggled to explain these practices to co workers. Who in my eye just didn't get it an prob never will. Anyhow her post on Utube led me to mentions about Aspegers with was very interesting. Alot of this matterial really made me look at my life through school an I was to find many similaritys with many concerning topics .... I have always been a bit of lonner an more often than not always preferred to spend time with my horses or cattle rather than other ppl. Although I do have a very nice girl friend, I think some of my doing really make it hard for her to understand me. I have always thought of my self as totally different thinking than anyone I have ever meet. An this web site kinda woz like hell yea I'm from the wrong planet or at least wrong time .... Anyway I don't feel like there is anything wrong with me just different thinking than every one, anthought I'd be a little proactive an see wot light could be shone on this ? Any feed back would be appreciated ... Shane

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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27 Aug 2011, 12:35 am

Why won't anyone talk to me ??? wow this is pretty much usual wot have I said wrong ?? I'm shur this is a problem now, I am only trying to get a little more information here, I shur woz a big step an I am worried about going in to see any one as I don't know wot they will do,wot if I am not NT how will this change things? Am I best just leaving things be as I have got along so far but I worry that I am not at my full potential I feel I could be better an I just wonder if my hunch is right but don't know who to ask that is wot has lead me hear


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27 Aug 2011, 12:41 am

Hi Shane

No you have not written anything wrong.

Sometimes it takea a little while before posts are answered. A few posts may go unanswered.

Welcome to Wrong Planet


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27 Aug 2011, 12:41 am

I hear you, I could read that and it was a little blurry, run on, but I do that too. Flow of conscious I think they call it. One sided like, but ya, I hear you. Settle down a bit, you won't get branded here, a bit slower maybe, you spook the stock around these parts. Try to separate the words a little, it helps them. :lol:

Welcome home.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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27 Aug 2011, 2:34 am

Oh thanks aye ... Don't know much about computers an stuff, thanks again for the reply an I will try not to say to much it's just that I'm not to shur how to explain or sometime Evan wot I'm trying to say. Anyway I am now reading more about aspergers an hope it may help.

Sorry bout putting to much down aye


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27 Aug 2011, 9:03 pm

Hey Cowboy,

I worry that I am not at my full potential I feel I could be better an I just wonder if my hunch is right but don't know who to ask that is wot has lead me hear

I think a lot of people come here and feel at home, and the more they read about Asperger's the more they wonder if that describes them. Lots of people on this forum are adults who have never been diagnosed, but if you feel you'd like to know, for whatever reason, then you can talk to your doctor about it.



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27 Aug 2011, 10:09 pm

Welkome to WrongPlanet. :)

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