Hi, im SoccerFreak aka Kamikaze Chris aka Christine.
Here's my story: sorry if it hurts your feelings or offends you, if it does too bad.
I was diagnosed with asperger's in third grade after a year of harassment and debilitating depression. Of course i didnt have any friends, i was sitting in the corner of the playground sobbing everyday. And they still think it was asperger's. I swear... im surrounded by morons. anyway, yeah i dont think i have asperger's because i dont fit the criteria and i never really did. So yeah... And im here now because my two friends from aff are here. (HI!! !)
And im extremly hyper so beware of my pathological idiotness: it may decrease your brain cells just listening to me babble. And im sorry if i say hurtful things cause i usually dont care what comes out of my mouth cause im so dang tired to even care anymore. my life experience and the imbalance of chemicals in my brain cause this.
I also have a website, there's games and cool such. And my journal which documents the daily humility i suffer. www.freewebs.com/christineiscool
It's only funny until someone gets hurt
then it's freaken hilarious