Hello everyone.
I've been browsing this site for a while now and was hoping to join in too.
I'm a mother of three. My two sons are diagnosed with Autism, my daughter isn't , but I suspect she isn't exactly N.T. either.
Since my eldest son was diagnosed (about four years ago), I have been reading everything I can find on the internet, pretty much every night. Forums (fora ?) are especially helpful.
Initially I wanted to learn about ASD in order to try to understand and help my son. Also, as I was expecting my second son at the time, I wanted to find out what environmental factor triggered it off so that I could avoid it, if possible. I was convinced that something must be to blame – whether it be MMR, mercury, oxytocin....there quite a number of factors that have been suggested.
Anyway, after avoiding everything I could, my second son developed Autism in exactly the same way that my eldest son did and I was forced to accept the uncomfortable fact that genetics were probably responsible (to a large extent).
I became somewhat obsessive about the whole AS/ASD thing and the more I read, the more it dawned on me that my family weren't quite as 'normal' as I had thought. My Dad definitely has Aspergers (even my Mum's convinced of this), although he doesn't know it. My cousin's son has Autism. I seem to fit the AS profile too, which is the main reason that I ended up here.
I completed three on-line tests:
1) http://www.thegeeksyndrome.com/
I scored 30
2) http://www.rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php
Your Aspie score: 133 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 59 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
3) http://glennrowe.net/BaronCohen/AutismS ... tient.aspx
Your score: 33
32 - 50 is very high (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 35)
3 out of 3 is probably a reasonable indication that I'm somewhere on the spectrum and would explain why I find certain things difficult/stressful and why I've always felt different/detached. I've got no intention of getting a formal diagnosis, as I don't think it would help, but I could do with having a chat with other people in a similar situation and getting some ideas for how to handle things better.
I could ramble on about this for quite a while, by which time you'll probably be unconscious, so I 'd better end here by saying 'Thank You' for running this Forum and I hope you don't mind having another newbie with lots of questions.
By the way, I've used the name appassionata (as in Beethoven) because it's my favourite Sonate and has been for as long as I can remember (and also because I can't be bothered to spend half the night trying to think of something more interesting)