My name's Martin, I'm in my late 20s and I live in a small town in the north of England.
I've not been formally diagnosed with ASD, although I was referred to a few child psychologists when I was young. They all seemed undecided about whether I had any mental/emotional 'abnormalities', and I don't recall any conclusions apart from being told I was of above-average intelligence (something I find harder to believe the older I get!). The feeling of being 'different' but never knowing the 'how' or 'why' never went away though; I just had a gut feeling I wasn't the same as everyone else and found certain aspects of daily life much harder than other kids my age. The more I read about various signs of Aspergers the more I thought, "that's strange...I have that too." If I'm not an Aspie I at least have many of the common symptoms, so can understand some of the issues people who have actually been diagnosed may face. Since I've not been formally diagnosed by an expert I'm uncomfortable with outwardly stating it, because I'm wary of somehow insulting or disrespecting people who know for sure that they have ASD. Hope that makes sense!
I graduated from uni and I've been in full-time work for several years but I'm still having problems with work, relationships and social interaction in my adult life...more so probably, now that I'm independent and taking on more responsibilites. I hope that talking to other people around here and finding ways to understand and manage these issues will be helpful. I'll continue reading and lurking for a while before posting much but if you have any questions, go ahead!