Hi there, I'm just making my first post. I found this site just yesterday and identify with many of the things I've been reading that other people are talking about. I'm female, 30, act younger for my age and started realizing I fit many Asperger's traits and has been evident when I look back at how I was as a child, teen and adult. I am a little nervous because I haven't been diagnosed, yet I have an appointment on Jan. 22 though. My fear is that the doctor will tell me I'm not Aspie and that I just am weird. Either way, I wish whatever will come of it, wouldn't be true.
I hope to start posting around, its nice to be around other people who seem to know exactly what I've experienced or do go through. I have a few special interests that have lasted years, an "autistic"-like stime that I never knew why I would do it until a few months ago I realized its possibly an autistic trait. I've never really had real life close friends since age 11 and although I would like them to do things with, I don't feel the desire to go to all the "effort" of maintaining something like that. I've had one online boyfriend for over a year but we are now only "Friend" status, and a few real- life dates that never went beyond the first or second. I have a real life girl acquaintance as well, but we dont talk everyday or do anything together, only once in a blue moon. I also rarely talk at length ,vocally and hardly socialize at my job which worries me because my boss asked me a few months ago if I have some kind of learning disorder and I didn't know what the heck to say. I feel pretty stupid alot while at work and trying to articulate things right.
Well, not sure what else to really say out of nowhere, but I plan to start posting. Talk to you later!
- Lea