Hey. I'm Perry Hewitt, I'm 16 and I live in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.
I've been diagnosed with Asperger's since I was 6 or 7, and have had quite a few problems with it since. At primary school they started giving me daily pills to control my hyperactivity (you guys may know what it is), but it made me severely depressed and I would burst into tears for no reason. My schools response to this was to forbid me from playing with other children and break times.
Anyway, my big obsession is the rock band Queen. Other things I am interested in are football (soccer), the Star Wars expanded universe, especially from at least a millennia before the time of the films, Oriental culture and history, and basic information on countries. I'm pretty boring really.
I am very socially awkward, and rarely go outside. In fact I haven't been out to socialise for over a year. This has resulted in my "worryingly low confidence" (school quote). I'm now basically a recluse who hides in the house. Hope this all changes soon though!
Sorry for banging on and going on about myself for ages. But I hope I can see you around soon!