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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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03 Jul 2011, 3:45 pm

I am new here, so allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Zachariah Atteberry. I am an 18 year old. I would first like to say that I am a writer, but I have problems talking as though I am talking to someone. I am a writer on both issues that trouble children and animals. I grew up around animal abuse and child abuse, and have a good idea of what good welfare consists of. When I was young, I was also in foster care with my mom while she had thyroid cancer. The oddest thing about it is, that I had a very small percentage of living due to the cancer she had. Foster families were really mean back then and only used the service for additional cash. At the time I was living with about 10+ children and the families got away with feeding bread and serving up water.

Throughout my life, I never had the opportunity to meet a lot of friends. During elementary years, I had a lot of people that beat me up daily due to me being how I am - quiet. When I hit middle school, I had a lot of confidence issues due to not having many friends. People still hated on me, and teachers took part also. My life was not very orderly either - I was out of foster care now and living with my mom in a rental house, but we had to move a lot due to the fact that my foster dad died when I first reached middle school.

High school was more or less the same. I never spoke once and walked with my hands to my side. I would find excuses not to attend lunch just so I didn't have to socialize with people .Teachers hated me and students were cruel. A lot of people took advantage of me by calling me names and insulting my beliefs on a lot of things that were animal related. I dropped out once in 10th grade with all F's. After a long summer I returned. Since I was a big cat lover, I told them that I would come back if they allowed me to volunteer at the humane society for credits - and they did.

So I volunteered there for two years. The volunteer time helped me cope with some of my confidence problems and I made a lot of feline friends. I started talking to people then and making friends. My grades with up to A's and my overall moral was boosted. I have found that having a relationship with animals really helps me in becoming active. I care enough about the welfare of animals that I couldn't take it anymore to be quiet. I still isolate myself and often don't talk in a lot of situations - but I do speak up when animals are in harm.

I work at the humane society now. And I get paid for socializing animals - mostly cats - since dog barking can get to me at times. Right now I am trying to be able to talk to other people more - it is very hard for me to do. I do believe that animals did help me though a lot of my troubles - without the volunteer opportunity I would have dropped out. I volunteered four hours out of the eight hours of school at the humane society.

Just the tip of the iceberg. I have been though a lot. Robberies, moving, abuse and bullying and I feel that because of that, I am able to write about a lot of it in a tone that helps other people cope with these problems - especially when being aspergic. I am happy to be here at Wrong Planet and hopefully I will fit in.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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03 Jul 2011, 3:56 pm

Welcome! Sounds like you'll fit in just fine here! I too love animals and had a severely abusive childhood situation! I love my therapy dog, he's my best friend!! !! :D Glad you're here!

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03 Jul 2011, 4:54 pm

Welcome Sharkrfish,

I've not been here on WP all that long. But as far as I can tell most folks aren't going to try to repeat what you went through in your earlier years. May your stay be safe and productive. And, good on you for looking after animals as you do.


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03 Jul 2011, 5:23 pm

Gee, all of this sounds very familiar. I think that many of us here have had similar issues growing up. The good news is that there are lots of good people here on WP. Many of us have been through a lot of the same things as you have. Congratulations on your work with the animals. I am a devoted critter lover myself and have had many cats and dogs over the years. They are really good companions and much more intelligent than most people give them credit for.

Anyway, welcome to WP!

"A man needs a little madness...or else...he never dares cut the rope and be free."
Nikos Kazantzakis, ZORBA THE GREEK

Some of us just have a little more madness than others!