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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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30 May 2012, 3:59 am

Hello, I am John. I am 31 and I suspect I am an Aspie. I was diagnosed as ADD/ADHD at the age of 4 and have been to numerous psychologists/psychiatrists since that age but have not been to 1 since I was about 15 and we moved to Mississippi. I saw the movie Temple Grandin (about the same woman) when it first came out on HBO and I could relate to alot of what was portrayed in the movie so I started researching.... and researching........ and researching some more.

I have come to the conclusion (albeit an unprofessional 1) that I was misdiagnosed as a child and I am infact an Aspie. The difficulty I am having is finding anybody in my area (Columbus, OH) that works with Adult Autism/Aspergers patients... so far the only people I have been able to find deal with young children and adolescents. I have also been in contact with OCALI and the local office of Autism Speaks but I am not having much success.

I also have been in contact with the Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities and they were USELESS!! !!

A little more of my past history.... Relationships have sucked, I never have had more than 2-3 friends, I don't like socializing(Proms, Dances, parties, even family get togethers... I tend to hide in a corner) I am EXTREMELY Mechanically oriented....Engines are easy for me as is most car stuff in general. I am also Extremely interested in Precision Machining Particularly Gunsmithing and manufacturing. My employment has never been very consistent the longest job I held was a towing job where I was on call 24/5 (24 hours a day 5 days a week) and did not have to be at the shop all the time.

I do know I do not have the Hyper Sensitivity issues that are typical of ASD... But I have what I consider to be an Abnormally high tolerance to pain Particularly in my arms, which I would assume is a Hypo-Sensitivity issue and have had this most of my life not sure if it means anything but seeing as it is sensory relate it seemed relevant. I also seem to have a Slight colorblindness that is related to dark blues dark greens and black.... they all look black to me. OH... And I am HOPELESSLY Obsessed with Woodland Pattern Camouflage to the point I even painted my truck in Camo.

I Also have had numerous Academic difficulties... I spent most of my elementary and Jr high years in Special ed type schools and only 2-3 years in Mainstream classes. I have very little problem with any math up to PreAlgebra as well as Trigonometry and Geometry but there is something with Algebra I CANNOT seem to understand it. I also have alot of difficulty with English... mainly with Grammar, Sentence Structure, and Punctuation.... Between High School and College I have managed to fail English a total of 5 times.


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30 May 2012, 6:34 am

Velcome to WP

I guess Asperger have different manifestations for all of us. I was recently diagnosed (at 41) and a lot of things that happened in my life now make sense to me. So I would say - Congratulations - if you find methods/coping strategies here on WP that make your life easier, you have come a long way.

Have you tried to look at dyscalculia? Try google, and there are a few threads on WP as well.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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30 May 2012, 6:56 am

helles wrote:
Velcome to WP

I guess Asperger have different manifestations for all of us. I was recently diagnosed (at 41) and a lot of things that happened in my life now make sense to me. So I would say - Congratulations - if you find methods/coping strategies here on WP that make your life easier, you have come a long way.

Have you tried to look at dyscalculia? Try google, and there are a few threads on WP as well.

Dyscal-Who (Semi Obvious sarcasm).....I actually did have to look that up just to find out what it was...... LOL. Perhaps it could be or it could be something that is similar.


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30 May 2012, 7:22 am

Welkome to WP


The Family Enigma


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30 May 2012, 8:07 am

Haha, you're describing a lot of my traits. I have some hypo-sensitivity issues, too. I play rough with my puppy a lot and end up with scratches all over my arms and face and I get comments about it at work. I don't want to clip her nails though, I feel like I would be taking away her self-defense if she ever got attacked by a bear :lol: (she's 7 lbs and we live in the city).

I also have the problem with no professionals out there for adults. It's like they're willing to help the kids but since a lot of adults with autism/asperger's learn to cover up most of their difficulties, we're invisible, or we just get categorized with depression/anxiety/ADHD/whatever seems plausible.

So I'm undiagnosed for now. I'm not too worried because I know who I am and what my shortcomings are. I'm just glad that I found an online forum where I can relate to others. This is a great place.


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30 May 2012, 10:35 am

Welcome to Wrong Planet Knight3000! Check out the many interesting and helpful forums here. You are among friends here at WP! :D

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.--Henry David Thoreau

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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30 May 2012, 3:41 pm

I want to thank you all for welcoming me to the forum... I am working on some of the tests to get more info to throw at the first psychologist I can get in to...

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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30 Jun 2012, 11:14 pm

Hello welcome to wrong planet hope you enjoy being part of this forum.


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01 Jul 2012, 5:00 am

Hi John, welcome to Wrong Planet :)


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03 Jul 2012, 7:24 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!