I'm really glad I could find my way into this website. I have no idea why I couldn't find this earlier.
I am not really a person with Asperger or Autism syndromes. I am much different from the masses but that doesn't mean I can't make them believe that I am a "normal" person and that I am "included in the community". In fact, I look like a "normal" person but they wouldn't understand what is behind my mask.
I believe that you do and that is the main reason I wanted to share my opinions, ideas and thoughts for individuals that would at least understand me and give me a chance.
If you ask me what I usually do, I don't have a proper answer. I do stuff.
For the masses, I am a musician, an artist, a philosopher, a gamer. I tell people this because I am aware that they are shallow and it is not worth going beyond the surface.
I treat each individual according to what they say, think and write and not to what they look like.
I'm starting to know you by the soul