This is the place for introductions, is it not? Anyway I'm Njarf, well not really but I use that name on the internet sometimes. I'm a 16 year old who was diagnosed with Asperger's several months ago after going to a psychologist for depression. I'm definitely not a NT as I have AS(diagnosed), really bad social anxiety disorder(taking drugs for that), Bi-polar(diagnosed), and ADD(suspected).
I should probably talk about myself then. Okay, I'm interested in swords, armour, and anything medieval related. I have been since I was wee. A few months ago I started to participate in the SCA which is a medieval re-enactment group where there's full contact fighting in armour with sticks. I like the group, but social anxiety(which my parents don't seem to understand) makes it difficult to go all the time, but it is fun.
I'm on some other forums related to my interests, but I've thought for a while I should probably join an Autism/Aspie forum, so I did, and here I am.
Njarf....but in squggly letters.
Your Aspie score: 159 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 48 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie