I see a lot of myself in the stuff I've read about Asperger's on the net, so here I am.
I love forums and posting on them, and I hope that finally, at long last, I can feel at home on this one.
I'm female, 25, and extremely happily married. I have a job driving around and taking pictures and tours of houses that are for rent. It's pretty cool, except for houses that I have to get appointments to take tours of or when I'm in the office putting tours together and expected to answer the phone occasionally, or well...to sum up it's cool except for when I have to interact with people.
I've never been diagnosed, but then I've never been to any sort of therapist and my mother never noticed anything she thought should be checked out. I did have seizures when I was a toddler, but no one ever figured out why.
In school I was always the brain, and generally if you're quiet and always behave and make the best grades no one really feels the need to have you tested for anything but academically gifted programs.
I often ask my husband why I always misinterpret people and they always misinterpret me and why my brain seems to work so differently from everyone else's. Hopefully here I can find people I can understand and who can understand me.
My current obsession is one that comes up often on my obsession wheel, as I call it. Sims 2. Before that, it was World of Warcraft. I grew up playing Nintendo and never stopped enjoying PC and console games. I also love to read. And to write. I have a pretty popular series of stories on the Sims 2 site.
And I love cats. I have the three cutest coolest sweetest cats in the world.