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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Aug 2006, 12:17 pm


I've just joined Wrong Planet. Let me introduce myself. My name is Steve and I live near London. I was professionally diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome four months ago. I was relieved to finally have an explanation for difficulties in my life, but the diagnosis also made me a little depressed. I live alone and have few friends, but I do have a challenging and interesting job that involves computers. I'm trying to think and act positive with my diagnosis, and I look forward to reading the messages and contributing to the forums.




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29 Aug 2006, 12:49 pm

steve, a lot of people here dont/cant work so your winning.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Aug 2006, 1:06 pm

Welcome Steve


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29 Aug 2006, 1:55 pm


I like your avatar

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Aug 2006, 3:55 pm

Corcovado wrote:

I like your avatar

Thanks. I took this photograph in Kenya. I saw the bird in the water and wanted to capture this special monent at sunset. I like the mood of the picture, so restful. The bird seems alone, which is how I feel sometimes. it was a very stressful trip, but I'm glad I plucked up the courage to take the safari, after watching so many nature programmes.


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29 Aug 2006, 3:56 pm

Hello steve, I hope you enjoy your time here at WP. Glad you're finding answers :).

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Aug 2006, 4:00 pm

en_una_isla wrote:
Hello steve, I hope you enjoy your time here at WP. Glad you're finding answers :).

I'm sure I will. Having joined several discussion forums, WP seems to have much more activity and interesting discussions.


Snowy Owl
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29 Aug 2006, 4:03 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet and enjoy your stay! What kind of job are you in? I'm going for computer repair and/or administration. I'm in college and my major is computer hardware and I'm seeking certification in Linux administration and CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Admin).

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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30 Aug 2006, 1:15 am

gnulinuxman wrote:
Welcome to Wrong Planet and enjoy your stay! What kind of job are you in? I'm going for computer repair and/or administration. I'm in college and my major is computer hardware and I'm seeking certification in Linux administration and CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Admin).

All the best with your college studies and choice of career in computers. With your choice of college course, I would think that you should find your knowledge and skills much in demand by employers.

I was a software engineer for many years developing code for various systems. I suspect that I'm quite a lot older than most people here, so the languages I learnt were Fortran, Pascal, and C. I discovered that I wasn't as good at this as many other people (even though I'm very logical), so in the last few years I've changed to a job that involves my interest in how people learn. In my more recent job I help develop training courses that are delivered on computers. I find this job very rewarding.



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30 Aug 2006, 1:34 am

Hello, Steve!


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30 Aug 2006, 11:06 am

Hi, Steve!

Welcome to Wrongplanet!

I hope you enjoy posting here!

Jason Larsen
[email protected]


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30 Aug 2006, 11:00 pm

I have seen both reactions to getting a new DX....some relief knowing there are others with similiar issues and depression.....I am not sure if I understand the latter because the DX itself doesnt change anything about who you are?I am hoping with a DX I can find more productive ways to meet some of the challenges I already have ...Past DXs have done little to help me over come these challenges because I think they were based on a false or narrow perspective of the "whole" issue(treating the symptoms and not the cause)Its not like I want to be "normal"....just to function at MY best within the boundaries of my own values and interests....

Congratulations on your job....that is the main goal in my life right now...finding a job that I find rewarding and interesting(that pays over minnimum wage)...

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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31 Aug 2006, 1:30 am

krex wrote:
I have seen both reactions to getting a new DX....some relief knowing there are others with similiar issues and depression.....I am not sure if I understand the latter because the DX itself doesnt change anything about who you are?I am hoping with a DX I can find more productive ways to meet some of the challenges I already have ...Past DXs have done little to help me over come these challenges because I think they were based on a false or narrow perspective of the "whole" issue(treating the symptoms and not the cause)Its not like I want to be "normal"....just to function at MY best within the boundaries of my own values and interests....

Congratulations on your job....that is the main goal in my life right now...finding a job that I find rewarding and interesting(that pays over minnimum wage)...

Krex it's hard to communicate my situation in a few words. I'm 46 years old and only got diagnosed with AS this year. I'm only able to hold down a job, because I have above average intelligence. Having a full time job is stressful. I lived with bad depression for years before my diagnosis, because I didn't know why I was different from everyone else, and why I was so unsuccessful with relationships. I experienced a little depression after my diagnosis, only because I now know that I suffer from a lifelong condition and I've read enough to know that I will always struggle to relate to others and I will probably always live alone.

Tell me a little about yourself. What do you like doing? What job would you like? The solution to my depression was finding out more about myself. What brings on your depression?



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31 Aug 2006, 3:40 pm

Hi Steve....

what used to bring on the depression(there as early as I can remember...5 or so)was how mean people are....when I was younger it was observing simple human relationships,peers and my mother.
I did not seem to like "exceptable" things my peer, and I was adopted at 5 by someone who just never liked me...she wanted a particular person and thought she could shape me into that individual but I was already a person and nonmallible.Not feeling like there was anyone who loved or even liked me...peers/parents....was very depressing,as I saw no way to change even though I wanted their love.As an angsty teen and 20's...I learned to much history which confirmed my suspisions....people are not only mean ...they have been mean for along time...ouch.Now I idnt just have my own suffering I had the history of suffering.....argggg....I couldnt seem to seperate,I try not to dwell on these past or the worlds....I dont think about killing myself to escape this planets cruelty....I just try not to add to it and divert my self (kill time)until time kills me....Now, the only thing which depresses me that I cant job...the prospect of returning to my current job every night...the long years ahead of going to a job I hate.I mean its only 40-50 hours a week but
when its bad I waste another 20 hours trying to resolve problems and ruminating about it....I dont have a boundless amount of energy and hate wasting it on anything but my creative hobbies and reading.

What Color is my parachute....?

I like to "treasure hunt"in thriftstores or dumpsters,garage sales.Then I take the stuff I find and "make stuff" with it.That gives me more joy then just about anything...I doubt its marketability...I tend to like "dark" things,tribal art,refinishing furniture is fun but I have alot of carpel tunnel in my family....already have some problems with my wrists and couldnt do this full time.Basically my "tastes" are very odd....I thought about being a "purchaser for someone who sells on Ebay(I have no mind for business)but I also have a horrible memory....have to write everything down....dont think I would be very good at picking out the really valuable items at estate sales because I cant remember the book values alot of compitition in this field anyway.I love to read books but would slit my wristes before doing "tape readings" of romance novels,alot of the best sellers,or an Economics book(I am so picky)I love animals...but am poor at the hard sciences(memory again)and would never be able to work in a lab doing experiments or euthanising animals...and the pay for animal techs is really lousy here.I cant seem to think outside the box when it comes to work...anything I think of I can think of a social,ethical,sensory,financial reason why it would not work....Drives my counselors suggestions I can shoot down?kidding....I could really use some fresh perspective on this....also...I am a tech idiot inspite of general logical thinking...I know nothing about doing anything except google,Ipod,forums...

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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31 Aug 2006, 3:45 pm

Hi Steve. Welcome to Wrongplanet. Make yourself at home here. You're more than welcome. :)


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31 Aug 2006, 6:05 pm


Steve,I'm also 46 and only discovered about AS earlier this month
so I know how you feel. The job I was doing made me depressed
as it had gone from being interesting to getting more and more
hectic and taking over my life. I'm in the distribution business which
can be stressful at times (if you let it,as I now see it)
It also affected relationships as I could find myself worrying about undelivered packages in Spain or wherever when I was supposed to be having a pleasant evening with someone.
Now I know about the AS I feel there's a better chance of the alarm bells ringing in my head to let me know when I'm on the wrong track!
